"Every Family Deserves to be Heard and Understood"
Oregon Family support network has virtual support groups for just about everyone. They meet once a month virtually and everyone is welcome. Follow the link below for more information.
Away From Home- in English
Every Second Wednesday of the Month
6:00-7:00 pm
All families in Oregon
A space that offers support and connection to parents and caregivers with past, current or anticipated experience in away-from-home placements zoom link
Better Together Support Group
Every Thursday of the Month
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Families of Lincoln & Benton Counties
A space for parents and caregivers who are raising youth experiencing behavioral, mental or other health challenges
Reach Out Oregon Family Discussion
Every Friday
4:00 - 5:00 pm
All Families in Oregon
A space for parents and caregivers who are raising youth experiencing behavioral, mental or other health challenges
Rainbow Families Support Group
Every Second and Fourth Wednesday of the month
4:00 - 5:00 pm
All Families in Oregon
Whether your youth is out or not, questioning or certain, or anywhere along the spectrum of gender and sexuality, you are welcome to join us